
Mark Schrader of Around the Americas

Around the Americas is a 28,000 mile sailing circumnavigation of the American continents with the mission of inspiring, educating and engaging the citizens of the Americas to protect our fragile oceans. Mark has circumnavigated the Americas teaching youth in other countries the importan Alex Braden

Alex Braden of ENCOMPASS, The Daniel Braden Reconciliation Trust

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The United States Coast Guard

They defend our Oceans: Innovative ways to preserve and protect the worlds' oceans, rivers, lakes or other marine environments, and They help preserve the Joy of Boating: teaching boating skills, boating education or boating services to benefit others. JandD

Debra Frenkel & John Weller of Freedom Waters Foundation

Debra Frenkel and John Weller co-founded Freedom Waters Foundation with the compelling mission to enhancing lives by providing therapeutic boating and marine related activities for people with disabilities, life threatening illnesses, youth at risk and others with special needs.