These images can be used in a profile of David Rockefeller.

DAVID ROCKEFELLER Jr, Founder, Sailors for the Sea

Who is Your Hero? Sailors for the Sea, which “educates and engages the boating community in the worldwide protection of the oceans,” was the outcome of David Rockefeller’s work on the Pew Oceans Commission, which identified profound and alarming… mattrutherford

Matt Rutherford, Ocean Research Project

Who is Your Hero? In 2012, Matt Rutherford became the first person to solo circumnavigate North and South America. He completed the non-stop 27,000 mile journey in 10 months in a tiny, old sailboat. Matt has embarked on a… MTM HEAD SHOT 08.06.10.


Who is Your Hero? Michael Moore is chairman of The International SeaKeepers Society, an integral pillar of YachtWorld Foundation, which became YachtWorld Heroes. Early on as we searched for a cause and road to reward our beneficiary, Michael suggested we… debbies_Kinder copy

Deborah Kinder, Documentary Filmmaker, Founder/CEO BLUE Ocean Film Festival

Who is Your Hero? Debora Kinder, an award winning documentary filmmaker, is the Founder and CEO of the BLUE Ocean FIlm Festival and Conservation Event. She is co-founder of BLUE’s parent non-profit organization, Make a Difference Media. Writer and conservationist,…