These images can be used in a profile of David Rockefeller.

DAVID ROCKEFELLER Jr, Founder, Sailors for the Sea

Who is Your Hero? Sailors for the Sea, which “educates and engages the boating community in the worldwide protection of the oceans,” was the outcome of David Rockefeller’s work on the Pew Oceans Commission, which identified profound and alarming… mattrutherford

Matt Rutherford, Ocean Research Project

Who is Your Hero? In 2012, Matt Rutherford became the first person to solo circumnavigate North and South America. He completed the non-stop 27,000 mile journey in 10 months in a tiny, old sailboat. Matt has embarked on a… Nearly there! 7July2013

JEANNE SOCRATES, 3X Circumnavigator

Who is Your Hero? This year Jeanne Socrates completed a singlehanded, nonstop circumnavigation at age 70. This was after another two previous circumnavigations met unfortunate ends. Her first ended in a beaching and loss of her boat and during the… betsy


Who is Your Hero? Betsy is a unique and vivacious personality with an infectious quality to engage persons of all age and skill to participate responsibly on and around the waters of the Pacific Northwest as well as the world.… 1112741000

BILL BAHEN, Sail Nauticus

Who is Your Hero? Bahen is the founder and former director of Hudson River Community Sailing in New York City and now oversees the development of a summer sailing academy and afterschool programs on the Nauticus campus aimed at underserved… coast-guard

The United States Coast Guard

They defend our Oceans: Innovative ways to preserve and protect the worlds' oceans, rivers, lakes or other marine environments, and They help preserve the Joy of Boating: teaching boating skills, boating education or boating services to benefit others.