The United States Coast Guard

On behalf of the Yacht Brokers Association of America, our Board of Directors and our members, please accept our nomination of the US Coast Guard as our choice for the Yacht World Hero. We believe that the US Coast Guard exemplifies the ultimate Yacht World Hero by meeting the definition of both categories: They defend our Oceans: Innovative ways to preserve and protect the worlds’ oceans, rivers, lakes or other marine environments, and They help preserve the Joy of Boating: teaching boating skills, boating education or boating services to benefit others. Whether it is the maintenance of navigational aids, performance of search and rescue or protecting our waters from environmental harm, the US Coast Guard’s presence and service to the boating public is without exception, represents a true Hero.

One merely needs to look at the US Coast Guards Mission to understand the true positive impact that they have on the boating public and the marine industry to defend and protect our biggest natural resource; our lakes, our rivers and our oceans for the safe enjoyment for all. The Coast Guard’s motto is Semper Paratus, meaning “Always Ready.”

Missions: By law, the Coast Guard has 11 missions:
• Ports, waterways, and coastal security • Drug interdiction • Aids to navigation • Search and rescue • Living marine resources • Marine safety • Defense readiness • Migrant interdiction • Marine environmental protection • Ice operations • Other law enforcement (listed in order of percentage of operating expenses) Thus, we are military, multi-mission, and maritime.

The Coast Guard is in some cases our “forgotten military” because their mission and performance of such is not often recognized on a regular and consistent basis.

How will being recognized as a YachtWorld Hero further your nominee’s cause? By recognizing the US Coast Guard as a Yacht World Hero, we will show public appreciation for the work they quietly do while strengthening the bond between the boating public and the marine industry with those charged with protecting our waterways and the people who use them.

Website The United States Coast Guard was nominated by The Yacht Brokers Association of America,



MIAMI, FL – Feb.16, 2012 – At this morning’s Annual State of the Recreational Boating Industry Breakfast held at the Miami International Boat Show, the U.S. Coast Guard was honored as one of the 2011 YachtWorld Foundation Heroes. The USCG was nominated by YBAA for this honor. Photo shown here is CAPT Rick Kenin Receiving USCG YW Hero Award from nominator Vincent Petrella, CPYB, YBAA READ MORE …..

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