Who is Your Hero?

Captain Winston goes above and beyond the call of duty to help people in need. When cyclone Evan wrecked Fiji mid December 2012, Winston was presented with a concept to move aid, and he immediately recognized the good his action would do for the people of Fiji and potentially save lives. Together with his crew of seven on the motor yacht Big Fish, Winston responded to a call from YachtAid Global to immediately mount a relief effort for victims in Fiji, and deliver supplies gathered by New Zealand group Superyacht Support. Coordinated with support from Yacht Partners Fiji and Fiji”s National Emergency Operation Center and Fiji Red Cross, an impressive two tons of medical supplies, clothes, school supplies, food and water were then distributed. Fiji Newspaper headlines read “Super Yacht Brings Help”.

How has your Nominees efforts made a difference for the better?

Winston moved tons of relief aid from Auckland to Fiji. His simple action introduced immediate measurable relief for the people of Fiji.

How will being recognized as a YachtWorld Hero further your nominee’s cause?

Winston executed a notable project and firmly proves the hidden potential for the Superyacht fleet to move aid in times of need. If Winston is recognized as a hero he will attract attention and inspire other super yachts to do what he does.

Please share any website or online articles about your nominee’s activities.

Captain Winston Joyce-Clark was nominated by by Captain Mark Drewelow of, for the category Marine Industry Professional Changing the World.

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