Michael Stocker, Ocean Conservation Research

Michael Stocker of Ocean Conservation Research has committed himself to ocean conservation for the past ten years traveling to Washington to lobby on behalf of marine wildlife. Additionally he has written numerous articles and presented lectures throughout America and western Europe on the topics of bioacoustics and the affect of man made noise in the marine acoustic environment.
How has your nominee’s efforts made a difference for the better?
Michael has exposed a issue not normally thought of when contemplating the marine environment, namely the affects of noise generated by drilling rigs, naval sonic emissions, large ship cavitation and the like.
How will being recognized as a YachtWorld Hero further your nominee’s cause?
Michael devotes himself full time to marine conservation, research and education. He works with a very small budget relying on word of mouth primarily within a small intellectual community. YachtWorld’s ability to reach a large audience committed to the preservation of the world’s oceans and waterways would benefit OCr greatly.
Please share any website or online articles about your nominee’s activities.
Please see Michael’s website at www.ocr.org and several YouTube Videos
Michael Stocker of Ocean Conservation Research was nominated by James Reeve, a professional colleague of Atlantic Beach, FL, in the category Defending Our Oceans.